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Manage Reviews
You manage reviews using the Reviews view, which lists all the Review elements in your model in the left-hand 'Review' panel with - for a selected Review element - the details of the elements and diagrams under review in the right-hand panel. This allows you to quickly see what reviews are taking place and what is happening within any review you want to explore.

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Start > Collaborate > Review > Manage Reviews |
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On a Review element on a diagram or in the Browser window, right-click and select the 'Properties | Special Action' menu option. |
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In the Discuss & Review window, click on the 'Review' tab and on the 'In Review' button, and select the 'Manage Reviews' option. |
Joining and Leaving Reviews
If you are already joined to a review, that Review element is displayed in the list in bold.
Otherwise, you can join a review by right-clicking on the Review element name and selecting the 'Join Review' option. Equally, you can leave your active review by right-clicking on it and selecting the 'Leave Review' option.
If you cannot locate a review that covers the objects you want to assess, you can also create a new review based on an existing selected Package. Select the Package in the Browser window and then right-click on the Review view and select the 'New Review' option. The 'Create Review' dialog displays; see the Create a Review Element Help topic.
Viewing Information
The columns of the display show a number of properties of the Review element, the Review diagrams, and each object in the review. Depending on which column headings you choose to display using the 'Field Chooser' menu option, these properties can include the start and end dates of the review period, the number of topics posted for the diagram and for each object, the number of those topics of each status, and the number of topics and replies posted within various periods of time. As well as choosing which columns to display, you can change the sequence of the columns by dragging the column headings across the heading band.
You can right-click on:
- An object name to display the object's Review topics and comments on the 'Review' tab of the Discuss & Review window
- A Review element or Topic-level element to expand the branch or expand the whole display, or collapse the exposed contents
- An object name to find the object in the Browser window (or double-click on the item); this also opens the Discuss & Review window for the object
- An element name to locate any diagrams that contain the element
- An element name to display the Test Cases window, Maintenance window and/or Resource Allocation window, showing tests, maintenance items and resources associated with that element
- A diagram name to select the 'Open' option to display the diagram
- The window and select the 'Refresh' option to refresh the list, to include any review topics that have been posted since you opened the review
You can also filter the display from the 'Review' panel, by double-clicking on a property. The right-hand panel then displays the information specific to that property. For example, if you were to double click on the 'Alert' property in this Review panel, the information shown relates to just that property.

Review Sets
Click on the Review item you have joined, and check the objects under that review in the right-hand panel.
For each Review element there is at least one segment or 'set' of objects; the first set identifies the objects added to the Review diagram, to be reviewed. There can be other sets of objects that are identified on other Review diagrams identified to the review.
You can add such sets of objects on their diagram by right-clicking on the Review element name and selecting the 'Add Review Set' option. The 'Add Review Set' dialog displays, on which you specify the name of the new diagram. Click on the Browser window, and its name is added under the Review element name in the Review view. You can then populate the diagram with elements and/or diagram Navigation Cells to form a set to be reviewed as part of this review. Each Navigation Cell effectively defines a Review Set of elements itself.
. The diagram is created as a child of the Review element in theThe final segment (labeled 'General') identifies any review activity on the Review element itself, or on any other elements in the model that are added to the review but not included on a Review diagram.
Locking Elements Under Review
Towards the final stages of a review of an element, the review managers might want to collate information before inviting final comments, approval or sign-off. Or they might close off the review of the element altogether and not allow further comments. In such scenarios, the review managers can set one or more status values at which an element under review will be automatically locked against the posting of review topics and replies. According to the way the managers want to progress elements through stages, the element under review might be assigned a subsequent status - or revert to a previous status - that did not lock the element against review comments.
You set up the locking status for elements under review using the 'Review Status Locks' page of the 'Manage Model Options' dialog. See the Review Status Locks Page Help topic. You can also examine the status locks on that page by right-clicking on the Review view and selecting the 'Review Status Locks' option.
In the Reviews view, if an element under review is locked because of its status but it has not been fully approved, its element-type graphic has a red circular icon overlaid by an exclamation point. If the item is expanded, it shows a message under the element name and above the Approver names. These indicators are illustrated here: