Built-in Transformations - DDL Transformation

The purpose of the DDL Transformation is to create a data model from the logical model, generating a model targeted at the default database type that is ready for DDL generation.

The Data Model may then be used to automatically generate DDL statements to run in one of the EA supported database products.

It utilises and demonstrates support in the intermediary language for the following database specific concepts:

Table Mapped one-to-one onto class elements
Column Mapped one-to-one onto attributes
Primary Key List all the columns involved and this will ensure that they exist in the class and create a primary key method for them.
Foreign Key This is a special sort of connector. In the Source and Target sections, list all of the columns involved and this will ensure that they exist, ensure that a matching primary key exists in the destination class and create the appropriate foreign key.

The following two diagrams show a typical PIM to Data Model Transformation

Firstly the PIM:

And Secondly the PSM as automatically generated: