Sparx Systems Newsletter - April 2009

Major Update and New Editions of Enterprise Architect released

Sparx Systems is pleased to announce the immediate availability of version 7.5 of Enterprise Architect. This major release features exciting new capabilities - including code generation from behavioral models, BPEL, business rules engine, scripting, enhanced diagram drawing, expanded support for systems engineering and many more exciting new features and improvements.

Three new "suite" based editions of Enterprise Architect expand the familiar standard editions, providing advanced executable code generation capabilities for business, software development and for systems engineering. Each new edition unlocks multiple MDG Integration and MDG Technology plug-ins to provide high-value, domain specific capabilities and tight Integration with Visual Studio and Eclipse development environments.

New tools are included for strategic business modeling, business processes, software and database design, systems engineering and even low level hardware design/code. New technologies and new performance enhancements for globally dispersed teams, WAN optimization and lazy loaded models provide the breadth, depth, performance and scalability required to analyze, design, construct and manage any business, software or systems project.

Full Details Here:

Download the Updates:

New “Suite” Editions of Enterprise Architect

In addition to the substantial improvements and updates made to the standard editions, Sparx Systems now introduces three new editions of Enterprise Architect - "Systems Engineering", "Business and Software Engineering" and "Ultimate". The Systems Engineering and Business and Software Engineering editions include specialized functionality and tools targeting specific domains - from Parametric simulation to BPEL generation.

The Ultimate Edition is just that - Ultimate! It contains everything in the Sparx Systems range of solutions to enable quality outcomes for systems and software development. For a full list of functionality available in the new editions please see the compare editions page on our website.

Systems Engineering

  • Targets behavioral code generation for additional code and hardware description languages
  • Parametric simulation support for SysML 1.1 models
  • Bundled MDG Tools for embedded developers and system engineers

Business and Software Engineering

  • BPEL generation from BPMN 1.1 models
  • Rules composer and code generation of executable rules in standard software languages
  • Bundled MDG tools for developers and architects


  • Everything in the one Edition

Time limited discount for new "Suite Editions"!

Until the 25th of May 2009, Sparx Systems have a special offer on the newly released editions of Enterprise Architect. Purchase the Systems Engineering, Business and Software Engineering or Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect and receive 15% off.

Existing users with a current subscription are entitled to 25% off upgrades to the Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering or Ultimate editions.

For details visit:

Major Highlights from Version 7.5 include:

New User Experiences

  • Diagram rendering engine for smooth, crisp detail
  • Built in scripting engines to automate tasks and bring your models to life
  • Diagram layout commands to arrange and manage your complex diagrams
  • Code editor with intellisense, intelligent indenting and improved syntax highlighting
  • Element list with drag-n-drop categories for easy management of elements
  • Quick Access buttons support in-diagram access to common formatting options and more
  • Support for recent discussions in the Model Views window keeps you in touch with other modelers
  • Debugging and profile windows plus powerful new commands to help you explore, map and visualize your executing code.

New Performance Gains

  • Lazy Loading and WAN Optimizer to enhance the performance of loading and accessing large models across Wide Area Networks
  • Improved support under WINE/CrossOver Office for faster startup and general use.
  • Enhanced version control, auditing and model locks reduce the delay of working with very large models

New Tools and Technologies

  • The Three New Editions of Enterprise Architect (see below for details)
  • New executive level Strategic Modeling profile for Strategy Maps, Balanced Scorecard, Value Chain, Org Charts and more
  • Archimate, SPEM and Business Rules technologies
  • BPEL generation from BPMN 1.1 models
  • Parametric simulation support for SysML 1.1 models
  • Link connectors to internal element features such as methods or attributes
  • Support for patterns in the UML Toolbox
  • Slideshow capability supports automated or manual presentations
  • Hide UML to focus on your particular modeling domain

Online 7.5 Demonstration

Learn what's new in Version 7.5 with an in-depth Enterprise Architect demonstration, including, BPEL, Business Rules, Documentation, Model Views, Executable Code Engineering, SysML Simulation and more...

Tips and Tricks

Tip 1: Connect to Element Features.

Enterprise Architect 7.5 lets you trace directly to attributes and operations between Elements using connectors that have source and target roles:

  1. Right-click one end of a connector between two Elements of interest
  2. From the context menu, select Link To Element Feature
  3. Select the feature type, then the specific feature you want to trace to, then OK

The diagram now shows that the connector is directly linked from an Element to a feature.

Tip 2: Need to move lots of diagram elements quickly?

Try the new Selection Sweeper in Enterprise Architect 7.5:

  1. Hold the Alt key while dragging left, right or diagonally on a blank part of the diagram
  2. All elements in the direction you drag will be selected and can be moved
  3. Release the mouse button to effect the move or release the Alt key to escape

Messages and Information from our Partners

The following messages were supplied by Sparx Systems' Partners. The content does not necessarily reflect the views or intentions of Sparx Systems.

SparxSystems Central Europe is proud to announce the following news highlights:

Now presenting the new features of Enterprise Architect in 3 self running viewlets online, and in many upcoming trade shows in Austria, Switzerland and Germany.

  • New Viewlets featuring Enterprise Architect 7.5
  • The 1st European SparxSystems Users Conference is now scheduled in Munich 25-26th October 2009
  • Roadshow together with QA-Systems IrQA and other upcoming Trade Shows and workshops supported by SparxSystems Central Europe
  • Extended training content for additional target audience featuring the new editions of Enterprise Architect
  • Courseware now available in German and English

Announcement from Spain

Sparx Systems Spain invites you to their launch event for Enterprise Architect 7.5 in MADRID on April 23rd

Topics Include:

  • Enterprise Architect 7.5: New editions, new opportunities, new challenges
  • Strategic Modeling and Business Processes in Enterprise Architect 7.5: BPMN 1.1 and BPEL code generation
  • Enterprise Architect integration with Eclipse and Visual Studio: The most integrated solution from requirements to source code
  • Parallel branching modeling with Enterprise Architect and software factories integration

E-Learning delivery to drive down Enterprise Architect 7.5 training costs by over 50 percent

Here is your low cost training with the Cephas eLearning on demand courses. Plus, Cephas introduces Zachman Framework MDG Technology course for advanced Enterprise Architect users.

Drive down your Enterprise Architect training costs by over 50 percent with the soon to be released self-study video courses for Enterprise Architect 7.5 from Cephas Consulting, leading in ultra-focused training for all levels of modeling using Enterprise Architect. Clients could not believe how cost-effective and super-efficient their recent WebClass delivery has been compared to conventional onsite training.

Raise the maturity level of your Architects’ modeling practices with effective and immediate use of the Zachman Framework MDG Technology add-in for Enterprise Architect 7.5. Inquire about Cephas’ new cutting-edge course serving software architects.

Eliminate costly interoperability and data interchange gaps created when introducing new tools to your environment. Cephas now offers on-time customization using MDG Technology and Add-ins for Enterprise Architect 7.5.

Catch Limited wins a Jolt Award for Screen Architect and releases Enterprise Tester.

Recognition of Screen Architect amongst an elite group of software innovators bodes well for the recent release of Catch Limited's newest integrated tool.

Catch has had an excellent month, winning a Jolt Productivity Award for Screen Architect - AND - releasing Enterprise Tester. This creates a new paradigm in lifecycle management; a toolset which provides users with a full end-to-end solution in lifecycle management at a fraction of the cost of comparable solutions.

Screen Architect enables rapid prototyping of user interfaces with automatic integration into Enterprise Architect. This allows traceability between screen elements, requirements and the underlying analysis model. Once analysis has been performed, Enterprise Tester can derive test cases from the UML model and allows test execution and management; providing traceability from requirements to test cases and defects.

Seminar "Requirements Engineering with UML and Enterprise Architect"

Next 3 day seminar on Requirements Engineering (RE) using UML 2.1 and Enterprise Architect 7.5 from 21st to 23rd of September 2009, held by Fuchs-Informatik

For the 11th time Fuchs-Informatik will hold its seminar in Olten Switzerland (Language: German). Fuchs-Informatik provide an overview over the UML and requirement engineering in general. Along with a case study they will teach you how to structure an Enterprise Architect project, specify features and requirements, model business and system use cases, activities, domain classes, state machines, design user interface prototypes, generate HTML- and RTF-documentation, manage traceability, import and export model information. Theory inputs are followed by hands on training on your notebook. The seminar will be held in German.

ICONIX Expands Public Enterprise Architect Workshops and Offers New Modular Format

ICONIX has added modules on both business process modeling and design driven testing to complement their object-oriented software analysis and design UML workshops.

Sparx partner ICONIX, best known for teaching their use case driven software design courses on-site to hundreds of organizations worldwide for over two decades, has just announced the modular expansion of their popular 2-day public Enterprise Architect software analysis and design workshops, adding a 2-day ICONIX business process modeling workshop and a 1-day design driven testing workshop. Students can register for the modules they want to attend. Details, locations and schedule are available via the link below or just email ICONIX at [email protected] for complete information.

Reducing Complexity and Managing Risk with Enterprise Architecture Management

Developing enterprise architecture models using UML, Archimate, TOGAF and the Zachman Framework. Workshop in Berlin/Germany on July 2nd, 2009, held by Transentis.

Enterprise Architectures show how an enterprise's business model, its business processes and its IT-Systems align in order to fulfill its mission and realize its performance objectives.

They identify the fundamental elements shaping an enterprise, show how these interact, and define the principals governing their design and evolution.

Enterprise Architectures are therefore an important instrument in governing complex, enterprise-wide projects and reducing risk.

The workshop is targeted at enterprise architects and IT-strategists:
- Introduction to enterprise architecture management
- Modeling enterprise architectures using Archimate and UML
- The TOGAF and Zachman Frameworks for Enterprise Architecture Management
- Modeling Session using Enterprise Architect

Increase your productivity with the MDG Technology for GoF Design Patterns

MDG Technology for Design Patterns, by Im'Info, provides a complete UML meta-model and associated model-to-model transformations to avoid analysis recurrent tasks.

There have been various ways to use Design Patterns, but now there is Enterprise Architect profiles to use them efficiently. MDG Technology for Design Pattern gives more power to define the analysis view and more accurately. It is even possible to generate a complete architecture model from it with the transformation template provided. Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect supports this technology and you can easily use it in your UML modeling environment. This MDG Technology is available in French and soon in English. Next development will provide model-to-code (Java) transformations which will generate Java executable code.

You can download for free this technology and an Enterprise Architect example at the URL below.

Systems Engineering with SysML and Enterprise Architect

Dunstan Thomas delivers new SysML program to large defence contractor with resounding success.

February saw the premier delivery of the new Systems Engineering with SysML and Enterprise Architect program from Dunstan Thomas.

This new 3 day program is aimed at Systems Engineers who want to quickly gain a proficiency in the use of Enterprise Architect to create system models using SysML. The course covers an overview of the Systems Engineering process, how UML and SysML differ, the complete SysML modeling notation and how to use SysML with Enterprise Architect.

For more detailed information on the Systems Engineering with SysML and Enterprise Architect training program please visit our website.