Enterprise Architect Newsletter: March 2007

In News This Month

Enterprise Architect 6.5 – Now at Build 804

Build 804 is now available! This release advances Enterprise Architect 6.5 with enhancements to the powerful data modeling and ODBC import capabilities, updated XMI 2.1 support and code engineering improvements. Recent releases for 6.5 have also provided key updates to EA’s popular shape scripting engine and model search facility.

Version 6.5 has proven to be a success with the modeling community world-wide. These latest refinements strengthen the positive growth of Enterprise Architect and keep Sparx Systems at the forefront of innovation in the software modeling industry.

Latest changes are here: https://sparxsystems.com/products/ea/history.html

Download for registered users: https://sparxsystems.com/registered/reg_ea_down.html

The FREE Trial: https://sparxsystems.com/products/ea/downloads.html


MDG Technology for CORBA Update Now Available

The latest build of MDG Technology for CORBA has been released. A freely available plug-in for Enterprise Architect, the technology equips users with a UML Profile for modeling CORBA IDL and powerful round-trip code engineering capabilities. With this latest release, the plug-in now provides support for wide and bound strings, inline field declarators and other code engineering enhancements.

For more information and a FREE download, go to


Latest Resources for Enterprise Architect

MDG for SysML is a powerful, low-cost modeling solution for Systems Engineering.

Looking for some help to kick-start your project? Our resources page holds the answers, with free demos, white papers, add-ins, and much more: https://www.sparxsystems.com/resources

Our 10 minute demo, Enterprise Architect Overview, has recently been released. This is a great introduction for new users, showing Enterprise Architect used in many stages of the software development life-cycle, from requirements and business process modeling to implementation. View the demonstration here: https://www.sparxsystems.com/resources/demos/

Also released recently is our Reviewer's Guide for Enterprise Architect 6.5, providing a comprehensive overview of EA and all its capabilities. This handy document is especially useful for convincing your team and management that EA is the best tool for the job. The Reviewer’s Guide, along with a complete listing of white papers hosted by Sparx Systems is available from https://www.sparxsystems.com/resources/whitepapers/

For a jump-start in using version control in EA, check out our Five-Part Version Control demonstration series, which explains how to setup and integrate Subversion, CVS, Team Foundation Server and other SCC compliant providers with Enterprise Architect. The full Version Control demonstration series is available from: https://www.sparxsystems.com/resources/demos/


Tips and Tricks

Tip 1: Need to share your model search results?

EA lets you create Rich-Text documents directly from your model search results! Here’s how:

  1. Run your favorite model search (Ctrl + F)
  2. Highlight any elements of interest in the results
  3. Right-click your selection and use the Rich-Text (RTF) Report options
Now you have a handy report to show management!

For more on this feature, visit

Tip 2: Element Bookmarks – A great way to flag changes

You can flag diagram elements using EA’s Bookmark feature — a great way to highlight updated or important elements when sharing models with your colleagues. This is how it’s done:

  1. Select an element on a diagram
  2. Hit Shift + Spacebar
  3. The element is now bookmarked, as denoted by the red triangle
  4. To remove a bookmark, simply hit Shift + Spacebar again
Now when your colleagues view the diagram, they will see your bookmarked elements. They can also find bookmarked elements using EA’s model search facility.

Upcoming Events

Come and see us at the following events!

EclipseCon 2007: March 5–8, Santa Clara, CA, USA

SD West 2007: March 20–22, Santa Clara, CA, USA

VS Live: March 25–29, San Francisco, CA, USA

Embedded Systems Conference 2007: April 1-5, Silicon Valley USA

Messages From Our Partners

Sparx Systems Central Europe (SSCE) will be running a Training Tour Germany. Make use of this opportunity to learn about the new functionality and efficient use of EA 6.5 Classes will be conducted in German.

Berlin: April 2-3rd, 2007
Hamburg: April 4-5th, 2007
Frankfurt: April 11-12th, 2007

Additional information available from https://www.sparxsystems.de/training

The ICONIX Process Roadmap is now built into EA. Starting with EA Build 801, an "ICONIX Process Roadmap" and skeleton project can be easily installed into your new EA project. The Roadmap is a set of activity diagrams that describe a step-by-step process for developing software using the ICONIX Core UML Subset.

The Agile/ICONIX add-in, previously available only on the "EA for Power Users" tutorial, is now freely available for download.

Doug Rosenberg's new book, Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML – Theory and Practice, is now available and shows how to drive an object-oriented software design from use case all the way through coding and testing, based on the minimalist, UML-based ICONIX process.

For more details, visit https://www.iconixsw.com

Cephas Consulting now offers business process modeling courses using Enterprise Architect. A Model Driven Architecture (MDA) consulting and training company, Cephas offers 2-day on site courses for BPMN modeling in SOA environments, and Business Modeling with Eriksson/Penker for Business Analysts.

Cephas also offers Introduction to the Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML) using Enterprise Architect for systems engineering environments.

These modular courses are easily customized to complement your in-house process and systems modeling initiatives.

To find out more please visit https://www.cephas.cc/services.html or contact [email protected]

PTS Software now has add-in for Enterprise Architect to support RUP based project structure, and can be modified to accommodate specific processes and templates. Its main features include the generation and support of a standard project structure, document generation, and project guidelines. PTS offers general courses on Enterprise Architect, and consultancy for the modification and configuration of the add-in.

For more information, please visit https://www.pts.nl

Enterprise Architect Seminars at Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth, UK. Join Dunstan Thomas for lunch and a visit to the stunning Spinnaker Tower – soaring 170 meters above the historic harbor of Portsmouth, while expanding your EA knowledge with the following seminars.

  • Seminar 1 – Speed up delivery with Enterprise Architect code generation
  • Seminar 2 – Improve the success of delivering projects using Enterprise Architect requirements management
  • Seminar 3 – Design Patterns – an introduction
Please visit the Dunstan Thomas website for more information on this service https://www.dthomas.co.uk/dtalm