Enterprise Architect Newsletter: November 2007

In News This Month

  • New Release: Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architect
  • Featured Case Study – Enterprise Architect the design tool of choice for GeoSciML project
  • Upcoming Events
  • Enterprise Architect Tips and Tricks
  • Messages From Our Partners

Sparx Systems has experienced another highly successful year in 2007, with record sales of Enterprise Architect and the milestone release of Enterprise Architect 7.0, now at build 818.

We're finishing the year on another high note with the official launch of MDG Technology for Zachman Framework. This technology is the first in a series of products that will enable enterprises to benefit from an open standards approach to implementing architectural frameworks.

The team at Sparx Systems would like to thank our users and the wider Enterprise Architect community. Your continued support and feedback have helped make Enterprise Architect a truly world class modeling environment!

New Release: Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architect

Sparx Systems is proud to announce the release of MDG Technology for Zachman Framework. This latest addition to the MDG Technology series brings the Zachman Framework to life, helping enterprises to simplify the alignment of strategic business goals with IT solutions.

I have been testing Betas 1 and 2 of the Zachman Framework add-in for EA v7.0, which is brilliant! ...
I am planning to demonstrate [it] in my "Rapid Delivery of Enterprise Architecture Maturity" workshops throughout the world.

Clive Finkelstein
Managing Director
Information Engineering Services Pty Ltd

MDG Technology for Zachman Framework provides a powerful planning device for the enterprise, using visual models that are built on open standards and readily understood by non-IT people.

For further information and a FREE 30 day trial visit: www.sparxsystems.com/zachman

Latest Enterprise Architect 7.0 build for registered users: sparxsystems.com/registered/reg_ea_down.html

The FREE Trial of Enterprise Architect 7.0 is available from: sparxsystems.com//products/ea/trial/request.html

Featured Case Study – Enterprise Architect the design tool of choice for GeoSciML project

Using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect, Geoscience Australia and the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) have successfully developed GeoSciML, the Geoscience Markup Language.

For the geoscience community, GeoSciML provides the exciting ability to share data and knowledge openly which has led to time saving, cost reduction, higher productivity and an improved ability to meet compliance obligations.

You can find the GeoSciML case study and other industry projects using Enterprise Architect here: www.sparxsystems.com/press/#CaseStudies

Upcoming Events

Come and see us at the following events!

Enterprise Architect Symposium 2007: November 29 Auckland, NZ and November 30, Wellington, NZ

OMG Technical Meeting 2007: December 10–14, Burlingame, CA, USA

OMG SOA Workshop 2008: January 14–17, Orlando, FL, USA

CeBit Australia 2008: May 20–22, Sydney, Australia

For more information please visit www.sparxsystems.com/press/events.html

Enterprise Architect Tips and Tricks

Tip 1: Need to quickly create new elements?

Enterprise Architect lets you quickly create elements on a diagram using the keyboard. Here's how:

  1. Select the diagram
  2. Press the spacebar.
  3. A context-sensitive toolbox will pop-up, allowing you to choose the element or connector from any toolbox you need.


Tip 2: Shortcuts for highlighting traceability links

Enterprise Architect provides instant traceability on diagrams, enabling you to easily identify incoming and outgoing links in your diagram.

  1. Select an element on a diagram
  2. Press the “L” key.

All links to and from the selected element will be highlighted. Outgoing links will be colored green, incoming links red, and bi-directional links yellow.

Messages From Our Partners

Catch Limited presents Enterprise Architect Symposium

Aotea Centre, Auckland
Thursday 29th November 2007
09.30 – 14.00
Te Papa, Wellington
Friday 30th November 2007
09.30 – 14.00

Catch Limited, in partnership with Sparx Systems, is hosting a symposium that will showcase Enterprise Architect. Current EA Users, Insurance Australia Group (New Zealand) and North Shore City Council will present real life implementations and usage. Catch and Sparx Systems will discuss past, present and future Enterprise Architect and add-on capability. This is an opportunity for your business to understand what Enterprise Architect can do for you.

For further information or to register please contact [email protected] or visit: www.catch.net.nz

Time Architect - a Time and Project management add-in by Solutions Reality - now available!

“Time Architect” (TA) extends Enterprise Architect (EA) by bringing time and project management functionality and additional tools directly into the EA workspace. Tightly integrated with EA, TA seamlessly utilises your models to help calculate and visualise your timelines, effort and workloads. TA generates dynamic, interactive Gantt charts and data grids; resource and task lists; and reports (PDF and HTML) directly from your UML models.

TA enables you to plan, manage and track your software development lifecycle and manipulate your models, where you should – in the heart of EA!

SparxSystems Central Europe is pleased to offer jointly with Intland, an insight into modern Application Life Cycle Management. You are invited to a presentation series, to be held in four German cities and presented in German. See the agenda at: www.sparxsystems.at/?contid=182&lid=3

Also visit SparxSystems Central Europe at the following trade shows:

    OOP: One of the best known and largest software events. This year's theme is "The essence of modern software engineering".
    January 21-25, 2008.

    Embedded World: The international meeting place for the embedded community.
    February 26-28, 2008.

Cephas Consulting Corp. announces its eLearning offering for Enterprise Architect! Cephas will make available the first of a series of in-depth, blended media online training, designed to shorten the curve for learning how to best use Enterprise Architect for modeling Requirements, Use Cases, Database schemas, etc.

Cephas invites you to visit www.cephas.cc/eLearning/myfav.php and vote for the modules which are of most importance to you. Your vote will award you discount points upon registration, and will contribute to the eLearning release cycle targeted for year-end 2007/early 2008.

For general information about Cephas’ services please visit: www.cephas.cc.

Design Geographic Information Systems at ICONIX open-enrollment classes

Developers of GIS (mapping) systems can work through a real example project from use cases through C# code using the ESRI ArcGIS Server platform in a series of two-day open enrollment classes. Students will develop an interactive internet (.Net) mapping application in C# within the Visual Studio environment using Enterprise Architect to take the example project.

Topics include:
  • Allocate requirements to use cases using drag-and-drop
  • Allocate requirements to use cases from within a use case
  • Trace requirements against use cases using EA’s Relationship Matrix
  • Create domain model diagrams showing generalization and aggregation relationships between classes
  • Remove ambiguity from use cases using robustness diagrams (disambiguation)
  • Create sequence diagrams and automatically assign operations to classes
  • Create detailed class diagrams populated with attributes and operations
  • Generate code in Java, C#, or other languages

For more details, visit www.iconixsw.com