Big Data
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) project which is moving towards the start of federal construction in 2014 is anticipated to acquire 150 terabytes of data every five days. Astronomers will use the new synoptic telescope to view and photograph a quarter of visible space every night starting sometime early in the next decade.
Data Management is one of the most challenging aspects of the LSST, as data must be processed and stored each night, producing the largest non-proprietary data set in the world. Enterprise Architect was chosen as the modeling environment because the project needed a multi-user, full featured UML tool with traceability support from requirements to code. The advances in these technology areas will be exported to other big data science applications (biology, remote sensing, etc) and will drive innovations in industry.
Read more about designing the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope with Enterprise Architect.
The Open Group FACE Consortium Adopts Enterprise Architect
The Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Consortium is an aviation focused professional group managed by the Open Group. Recently Sparx Systems contributed licenses to assist members in their development of the FACE Data Model. The Open Group, via its news release and the FACE website thanked Sparx Systems for their assistance:
"[Enterprise Architect has] been instrumental towards the development of the FACE Data Model and DoDAF 2.0 representations of FACE Enterprise Architecture products. In addition we appreciate their assistance in setting up a shared working environment for these efforts."
Read more on the story here
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