Enterprise Architect Monthly Newsletter

June 5th - 2013

In This Issue:

Sparx Systems partners with Esri to support ArcGIS

Sparx Systems has partnered with Esri Inc. (Environmental Systems Research Institute) as a Network Partner to deliver cutting-edge geospatial solutions based on Esri technology. Since version 9.3, Enterprise Architect has featured an ArcGIS plug-in developed in conjunction with CSIRO. This feature which supports the creation of visual UML models of ArcGIS geodatabases, is proving popular within the global geospatial community. Visualizing geodatabase designs, facilitates traceability of geospatial systems to the broader enterprise model, communicates geospatial design concepts to a wide audience of stakeholders and leverages model driven architecture.

Read more on ArcGIS in Enterprise Architect

New Webinar Available: Tools for Traceability in Enterprise Architect

Learn how to use a variety of traceability tools in Enterprise Architect including how to:

  • Describe, capture and understand relationships.
  • Record and track changes.
  • Leverage Model Search capabilities.

Example model and session questions also available here: Traceability Tools

Live Webinar: Simulation and Prototyping in Enterprise Architect

See how to bring your behavioral models to life using wire frames, prototyping and model simulation. 18th and 19th of June - check the website for your local time.

Learn how to:

  • Create user interface designs (wireframes) in Enterprise Architect
  • Link requirements, use cases and structured scenarios to UI prototypes
  • Leverage the model to conduct A | B testing of user interfaces
  • Combine process model simulations with UI designs for powerful system prototyping

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to learn more about Enterprise Architect! To register and view previous webinars visit the webinars page.

Sparx Systems introduces Indian Sister Company

Sparx Systems has announced the launch of a new sister company, Sparx Systems India. Joining sister companies already established in Central Europe, South America, New Zealand, China and Japan - Sparx Systems India will serve the growing Indian market, with regional support and a distribution base for Enterprise Architect. Sparx Systems India's CEO, Nizam Mohamed will be speaking at the upcoming Business Analysis Convention in Bangalore.
Visit the Sparx Systems India website

Top articles from the Community Site:

Adding a UI (prototype) layer to Model Simulations in Enterprise Architect
Walk through the process of adding a UI to prototype and further interactivity to your model. Written by Hamish King
Read the full article

Model Organization with Packages and the Package Diagram
It is no coincidence that the package element in UML is represented by a folder icon, similar to directories in a file system Graphical User Interface (GUI). Packages are used to organize the elements of a model just as folders are used to organize files. The contents of a package are any kind of element that is part of a model, including other packages. Written By JD Baker
Read the full article

Your messages from Twitter

Connect with the online Enterprise Architect community using the hash tag #EnterpriseArchitect and @SparxSystems in your tweets for a chance to be featured in our monthly newsletter!

SD Times @sdtimes
Congratulations @Sparxsystems for selection to the 2013 #SDTimes100

Debbie Wilson @wilsondebs
Loving the new #GML capability in Enterprise Architect!! @sparxsystems

albena georgieva @albenageorgieva
I love Enterprise Architect's document generator! Just one click and all your functional specs are up to date. #EA

Samuel Lampa @smllmp
Playing with @SparxSystems #EnterpriseArchitect for visualizing my #Eclipse RCP project as #UML. Really sweet!

Messages from our Partners

Latest eaDocX Release 3.3 now available with new features including Model Expert
Integrate Enterprise Architect with MS Word and Excel for rich document creation. Improve model quality, boost productivity and improve project communications.
More: www.eadocx.com

Developing and Managing Frameworks is a Snap with OAD Consulting's Model Guardian
OAD Consulting announces its latest product, Model Guardian, a framework and Model Management System covering the full lifecycle of framework development.
More: www.ModelGuardian.com

Profesia's UniRe: share Enterprise Knowledge across projects
UniRe is Profesia's plug-in that implements a navigable Registry of projects so that you can partition multiple projects in coherent areas of interest.
More: www.profesia.it/prodotti/unire-for-ea/

Updated Enterprise Architect Plug-in: BEASI 2.0
The new 2.0 version of BEASI contains all the ADM phases and ArchiMate viewpoints, plus new functionalities for gap analysis and migration planning.
More: www.biner.se/en/methods/binereasi

EAPO Professional - the Enterprise Architect connector for Polarion and vice versa
Emerasoft releases the EAPO Professional edition, the plugin to sync Enterprise Architect diagrams with Polarion work items.
More: www.emerasoft.com/prodotti/eapo