Pro Cloud Server... coming soon
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Q2 2017 will see the exciting release of Sparx Systems innovative Pro Cloud Server. The Pro Cloud Server is equipped with:
- WebEA
- Floating license server
- Row level locking
- Enterprise licensing
Open up your models to the enterprise - to the world
Included in the initial release, WebEA is an innovative, accessible, enterprise wide platform for sharing your corporate models. Enabling Enterprise Architect models to be hosted in an internet or intranet cloud environment, and accessed via a mobile optimized web based interface.
Pro Cloud Server:
- Enhanced stakeholder access to models
- Secure access to review and discuss directly in the model
- Visualize aspects of the systems structure and navigate complexity
- Broadcast the collective intelligence of the enterprise
- Monitor changes to the corporate model in real-time
- Simple yearly subscription, price to be announced
- Live Enterprise Architect models on any mobile device via browser
- Mobile creation of requirements, use cases, resources and more
- Instant quality feedback and discussions to build information rich models
- Allocate resources and contribute to element discussions in real-time
- Customizable watch lists keep project stakeholders up-to-date
Features Coming Soon:
- Floating licensing for efficient management of global project teams
- Enterprise licensing to simplify and streamline yearly maintenance
- Robust security measures, easily hide sensitive parts of your model while still allowing general access with the use of Row Level Locking
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